Sunset after the on-boat coaching september 2020.
Because of COVID19 we had less people on board to secure the safety of all.
Still a wonderfull event, for more info on next years program and possibilities go to this link
Sunset after the on-boat coaching september 2020.
Because of COVID19 we had less people on board to secure the safety of all.
Still a wonderfull event, for more info on next years program and possibilities go to this link
Sailing holidays Balearic Islands Mediterranean Spain
Sailing holidays Balearic Islands. The islands are situated East of Spain in the Mediterranean Sea. The group of islands are formed by Mallorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Formentera and Cabrera. The islands have a beautifull landscape and diverse nature. They also have many good anchoring bays that are generally well protected. This makes the Balearic Islands a great holiday destination.
This is the website of the Esprit de Co(r)ps. The Esprit is a Beneteau First 40.7
The site will be updated regularly with new images, trips and destinations.
The Esprit can be rented for (short) trips and (team) coachings
Sete, France, Languedoc-Roussilon, home port of the Esprit de Co(r)ps
Cabrera (Balearic Islands) 2015
Formentera 2015
Es Vedra, Ibiza 2014
morning at Cala Grassioneta, Ibiza 2013
Esprit de Co(r)ps near Iles des Embiez (Toulon-Cap Sicie)
Calanque de Sormiou, Provence near Marseille (France) April/May 2012
Port Napoleon Christmas 2011
Cinque Terre, Italy, Vernazza july-august 2011
First 40.7 Esprit de Co(r)ps in Calvi harbour, Corse (FR) 2010